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Treatment of gynaecological diseases, performing of various analyses, monitoring of pregnancies, family planning, diagnostics and treatment of infertility, solving of menopausal problems, etc.

Childbirth classes

How to prepare for childbirth? What to take with you …?! When should you go to the place where labour is planned to happen? Childbirth – step by step. Breastfeeding and newborn care.


Ultrasonography (USG) of breasts, thyroid gland USG, visceral USG, foetal echo-cardiography, puncture biopsy (with cytology tests) of breasts and thyroid tumours.


Diagnostics and treatment of all kinds of internal diseases, diagnostics and treatment of endocrinological diseases, lifestyle advice, prophylactic vaccination.


Diagnostics of dermatological diseases (dermatoscopy, biopsy, diagnostics of mycosis, etc.) and treatment. Diagnostics and treatment of sexually transmittable diseases (STDs).